Maggie behind Maggie Makin It

Twin mama, german Shepard dog mom, wife to a talented film industry gripin husband, and lover of all things I can make!

Born and raised in the rainy Seattle now currently living in sunny Southern California. Former makeup artist to the stars. Well D list stars. Okay maybe E listers now that I think about it. Hollywoods a strange place.

Always loving to do things with my hands from working behind the scenes in theatre and film, to creating my own… well anything! Pinterest has stolen a few nights away from me dreaming about all the things I could do, until one day I whipped this site together and decided to share and mainly document for myself all this stuff I have come up with!

Being a stay at home mom for my sweet girls has left me feeling less creative lately. When really I create everyday! So join me on my unprescribed therapy as I take photos of pretty things and edit them to show off how beautiful one section of my house currently is.




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