How to make a beer cake

Before we were married, my husband and I had a roommate who loved him some Miller Genuine Draft beer. I mean LOVEDDDDD it.
So while he was gone one day I decided to surprise him with a beer CAKE!

A beer cake is simple to make with many design ideas on Pinterest. Some people use fancy handmade cake toppers, fireworks, mini alcohol bottles, large glitter numbers, etc. But the funest challenge is to just use things found around my house - yes I am aware that being a craft hoarder gives me a slight advantage but sometimes when you give yourself the parameters of “I am not spending any money on this” you can force creativity.

Gather supplies. You will need:

  • Cardboard

  • Scissors

  • Tape

  • Thick ribbon

  • Curling ribbon

  • Paint and paintbrush * optional

  • Beer (I used 21 cans and 3 bottles)

Starting with the bottom layer and an old amazon box, I got the shape I wanted and roughly cut out the box in a circle to fit. I wanted every layer to have cardboard of the bottom so I could move the display around.

Then I just eyeballed the second layer and repeated till I had 3 circles cut out.

Quickly realizing that the cardboard was visible and not exactly as beautiful as i would like I painted the edges in a metallic gold. It helped blend in with the gold cans but hindsight I wish I had done a solid black or a bright pink.

Secure the large band around each layer using 1” ribbon and securing with tape throughout for a clean tight look.

*Make sure all the labels are facing out before securing ribbon! … like me. I did that. and then had to go back and fix it. whoops.

I went with simple two toned curly ribbon. I used what felt like 100000 yards of ribbon. Just keep going until you like the look. Throw in some party hats, cupcake toppers, wacky straws, or personalized items for the recipient.

There you have it!

Such a fun personal way to celebrate someone who loves beer, or a favorite soda, or heck la croix cake would be cool too. Now to go on pinterest and check out 50000 other variations.


My Dream Boho Backyard