Top 5 Twin Baby Products We Would NEVER Buy Again

1. Halo Twin bassinet

EXPENSIVE (Currently $500.00!!!) We got a used one from Facebook marketplace. Used it for 2 weeks (okay I’ll admit it was nice for 2 weeks). But babies are loud. My husband couldn’t sleep. We switched things up and immediately put them in their own room and took shifts. Worked way better for us. To each their own. If you want a bassinet, get a used one or a cheap one. Yes it vibrates, plays noises and songs, but babies don’t care! I’ve asked other twin moms about this. The only thing that is nice is that it easily spins. Is the spinning worth the price tag? I don’t think so. You really want it? Buy a used one and new sheets on amazon because your babies may hate it.

2. The Weego Twin Carrier

I got this also on fb market place used for 20 bucks because pro, you can throw it in the washing machine. We used it a few times when my twins were new born. But after about a month they were all of 8/9 pounds each and that felt way too heavy. This killed me and my husbands backs. The support is pretty flimsy and puts all the pressure on your shoulders. Its fun if you can find a used one. But brand new, not worth the money.

3. TwinGo Carrier

Okay, this was fun because you can divide this carrier up between two people and I thought it was a good bang for the buck. My husband and I could both take a baby and we weren’t buying TWO fancy expensive holders. We did use this. The carriers work seperatly pretty well. But NEVER walked around with both babies. It’s complicated to figure out and hard to get a baby out if they are crying and need some attention. Not to mention babies are heavy. I thought I’d be double wearing them every sing day for some reason. Haha nope. 
Next time we would just each pick out a carrier we liked and do it that way.

4. Double rocker

This rocking chair is pretty dope (did that just age me?). I do like that we have it, but wouldn’t buy it again. Mainly because it is so large, it doesn’t fit through a doorway! You have to build it in the room you want it in! That was annoying when I wanted a rocking chair in the living room. Or in our room. Didn’t realize it’s huge size. It takes up most of the babies room also so I am sad because I know it will be one of the first things to go when they get older and get big girl beds, it just wont fit! Also it doesn’t come up very high in the back. My husband is very tall and it hits him in the wrong spot. Fits me great. To each their own I guess. 

5. Diaper pale

I bet if you aren’t as lazy as us, you would love this. We picked out the Ubi Diaper Pail because it’s all stainless steel and you can use any type of trash bag. But what we didn’t account for is how lazy we would be about take it out. So when we finally did, it smelled like DEATH. Get in the habit of taking it out every single day and it may be great. We found that using an open air trash can in the garage kind of dissipated the smell and we can simply take it out every 3-4 days like our lazy butts prefer.

I am sure there are more things that we didn’t need or payed too much for. It’s hard to predict what you will need and what your babies will like!
Wishing you parents out there the best of luck. You got this! And facebook marketplace is your FRIEND.


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