20 Things to do Instead of Black Friday Shopping

No one wants to wait in line for anything let alone a TV thats only 5% off. Sure there are some good deals on Black Friday but there are also quite a bit of scams. Willing to loose family time and spend all your money?

Here are 20 Things to do Instead of Black Friday Shopping.

  1. REI #OptOutside. All REI stores will be closed on Black Friday while their employees get a paid day off to go outside. They even have organized community activies. Check it out HERE

2. Watch a holiday movie marathon 

3. Make some DIY Christmas gifts 

4.Get creative with your thanksgiving leftovers

5.decorate for Christmas

6. Blast some Christmas music (because it is now socially acceptable) 

7. Deep clean your house. It’s like spring cleaning but in fall

8. Video chat with family 

9. Play a good old board game 

10. Donate that bag of clothes sitting in your car 

11. Splurge on a fancy pants Starbucks holiday drink

12. Do a puzzle 

13. Go bowling 

14. Spa day at home with a face mask and a bubble bath. 

15. Get all your laundry done AND put away. I’m talking about random kitchen rugs and the dog beds

16. Clean out your phone. What are you horsing in there? 

17. Drive to some snow and jump in it

18. Drive around and look for Christmas lights (the best displays go up early) 

19. Read that book you keep saying you're going to. 

20. Learn how to macrame ;)

Check out these beginner easy macrame DIY kits HERE


Macrame Sanitizer Holders


Black and White Gingham Tablescape